Final Feasibility Study Report: Leather Solid Byproduct Transformation into Valuable Products for MSMEs and Tanneries in Modjo and Around Modjo Area, Ethiopia

The tanning industry generates a large amount of waste, which should be managed following the principles of the circular economy. The aim of this feasibility study is to study the production of different valuable products such as (biogas, chicken feed, tallow oil, gelatin, biopolymer, keratin, adsorbent, bio-stimulant and binder sot match making, and wool fat) from tannery solid waste generated by industries located specifically at Modjo and surrounding areas. So to conduct this study both qualitative and quantitative data collection method basically literature review, stakeholder consultation and field visit were used. From the above ten products, production of chicken feed from raw trimming wastes and production of gelatin from lime trimmings and splitting wastes are technically feasible so that the detail financial, economic and environmental feasibility for the two products are presented on the paper. While Binder sot match making is addressed by LLPIRDC and Solidaridad, conducting the feasibility study for binder is just duplication of effort. The rest seven products evaluated based on a number of reasons that render them unfeasible for practical implementation. These reasons range from technical limitations, availability of raw materials and economic constraints. Regarding minimizing the environmental impact it is crucial to produce chicken feed and gelatin on sustainable way. This done by regular monitoring, reporting, and keeping compliance with environmental laws and regulations ensure that the production process aligns with best practices. Overall, based on the market feasibility analysis, it can be concluded that establishing a chicken feed and gelatin production plant using leather solid waste as a raw material offers significant potential for success and profitability as well as it will have contribution to the sustainable development of the country. Collaboration among stakeholders, government support, and industry-wide initiatives will be crucial in realizing these projects in Ethiopia.