After the devastating earthquake in Nepal, we are helping with the immediate resumption of education

Published: Nov 7, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes
After the devastating earthquake in Nepal, we are helping with the immediate resumption of education
© Photo: People in Need

Nepal was struck by the most devastating earthquake since 2015 on Friday 3 November and Saturday 4 November. The situation in the region is very serious, with at least 153 people dead and 349 others injured. In the Jajarkot and Western Rukum districts alone, it is estimated that more than 17,740 houses were destroyed and another 17,120 damaged. This has left most of the population suddenly homeless. People in Need, and its partners on the ground, are distributing the necessary aid and at the same time, thanks to regular donors from PIN’s Club of Friends, have released over $30,000.

More than 117 schools were completely destroyed in the area, and a further 122 suffered substantial damage. Of the 153 people who lost their lives, 41 were children. More than 140,000 students are studying in the two affected districts, many of whom have lost close relatives or the roofs over their heads. They have also lost the opportunity to receive an education and it can take up to 1 or 2 years to rebuild the education system.

The People in Need team is on the ground and is currently working with partners from Alliance2015 to distribute 350 tarpaulins, 1000 blankets, 500 sets of clothes for children, 500 hygiene kits, and 500 food kits. Building on the experience of the 2015 earthquake, the People in Need team is also helping to organise a plan to move people to safe areas and rebuild housing ahead of the upcoming winter. All of this is possible thanks to the long-term support from the members of People in Need’s Club of Friends, which has released $30,000 to help the victims of this devastating earthquake.

"Help is still needed on the ground, primarily with the reconstruction of the education system. Children are currently in need of school supplies and psychosocial assistance. Based on their experience, the People in Need team plans to help with the immediate resumption of education and the opening of community learning centres," says Vera Exnerova, Head of Mission for People in Need in Nepal.

Autor: People in Need

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